Two snow parks and Southern Finland's only half pipe!

Talma is not called the mecca of snowboarders for nothing. Snow parks designed together with professionals offer a large number of different performance locations. The parks are maintained by staff with a strong skiing background. Many professionals have ventured out into the world from Talma.

If you are a freestyle skier or snowboarder, come and fall in love! The front snow park contains more challenging rail lines, jumps and a corner. Back snow park is a relaxed mini-park where you can find easy rails and presses, jumps and on the other hand our biggest jump - a giant gap.

Half pipe maintenance days mondays and fridays, but this may vary depending on the weather.

Takaparkista löytyy helpompaa laskettavaa.
Back snow park is a relaxed mini-park where you can find easier rails, presses and jumps.
Etelä-Suomen ainoa half pipe ja yksi harvoista koko Suomessa.
The only half pipe in southern Finland and one of the few in the whole of Finland.