Environmental responsibility
Talma Ski's owners and management are committed to achieving our environmental objectives and continuous development of the sustainability work. Talma Ski has begun sustainability work already in 2009 by being a part of Motiva's energy efficient ski resort -project.
We have recognised the environmental impacts of our operation and our goal is to prevent negative effects on the environment and decrease climate change.
We are committed to develop our operation towards sustainability and to follow environmental laws and regulations. We will take environmental aspects into account in our decision making, operational development, investments, personnel training, selection of our partners and supliers and in communications.
We achieved carbon neutrality in regards Scope 1 and Scope 2 levels in season 2022-2023. We initially reduced our carbon footprint with our own actions and compensated the part that could not be neutralised by our own actions. We will actively continue to reduce our carbon footprint in the following season and hope to be able to be carbon neutral also in regards Scope 3 level in the near future.
Talma Ski's biggest impact on environment is naturally energy consumption, snow making and slope maintenance in particular. We use 100% renewable electricity. In recent years, we have invested remarkably in new equipment and machinery that are more energy efficient and reduce the environmental impact. We have f.ex renewed a snow groomer and snow cannons. Inside warm spaces we use air-source heat pumps and we continuously strive to reduce our energy consumption and we analyse snow groomer usage hours and petrol usage.
The ground of the slopes is shaped before snow making, which reduces the need to shape with snow and thus the amount of snow needed and we will be able to open more slopes with less snow. Snow is mainly made during the night hours, when energy need is at its lowest.
In season 2022-2023 we changed energy efficient LED lights to some of the slopes which has reduced energy consumption. We will continue changing the light to other slopes in the future seasons.
We also want to encourage our customers to energy efficient transport and provide 4 charging stations for electric cars for our customers use from season 2022-2023 onwards.
We do not use tap water for snow making at all.
Snow is made out of natural water from a stream - and in the spring the snow will melt back into water and return to the ground.
Waste management
We strive to continuously develop our waste management and recycling. We recycle cardboard, paper, metal, glass, bio and electronic waste as well as hazardous waste such as waste oil. We store and recycle all hazardous waste carefully.
The restaurant has changed disposable tableware to reusable ones and all disposable items are biodegradable. This has made a big difference to waste amounts. The restaurant is also developing biowaste collection and will aim to reduce food waste even further.
Rental equipment is maintained and repaired. Equipment is also recycled to seasonal rentals and to be sold when they are no longer in daily rental use. Our customers are in part helping with sustainability by renting equipment for the season instead of buying new ones. Especially children tend to grow out the equipment even within one season.
For the webshop deliveries we use as much recycled materials as possible and reuse packages from deliveries to us.
Carbon neutrality
With the above mentioned actions, we have been able to reduce our carbon footprint and will also strive to continue the reduction in the future. The part of our carbon footprint for season 2022-2023 that we have not been able to neutralise ourselves, we have compensated via the Finnish 4H association, where they have planted trees. The aim of the project is to increase carbon sink and provide work for the youth.
Social and economical responsibility
Talma Ski is 100% Finnish, family owned company. We pay our taxes to Finland and aim to make the area a attractive destination by providing a good place for an active hobby for both children and adults. We comply with the laws and regulations. Economical stability enables also investments towards sustainablity and developing the business further.
We make purchases locally as much as possible and by doing this aim to support other local businesses.
Via our active and professional ski school we inspire children to start and develop in skiing.
We offer work for people living in the area, especially young people.
A part of economical responsibility is developing a year round business, which Talma has done already for many years. Year round business will increase economical stability, tax income and jobs.