Private lessons are an efficient way of learning alpine skiing and snowboarding within the timetables most suitable for you. You can either be a beginner or all ready an experienced skiier who wants more confidence in skiing or advance a specific technique. Private lessons need to be boooked at least 24 hours prior, we do not have teachers on call at the skiscool.

There can be 1-4 participants with one teacher on a private lesson. They all must have the same equipment, either alpine skis or snowboards. We recommend that all participants on one lesson are on about same skill level. And we also recommend that adults and children take separate lesson, as even tough they would be on same skill level, they differ much in motor skills. In this way, everyone will get the most out of the lesson.

Ski lift use is included in the private lesson, you will not need a ski lift ticket. If needed, equipment can be rented from our rental shop according to the price list. After the ski school, you can continue training cheaper on the same day. A customer who has attended a private lesson or course, receives a 50% discount on the lift ticket on the same day as having attended the lesson by showing the receipt at the ticket office. Note! Does not apply to Werneri Park tickets.

If you have booked and paid the lesson in advance in the webshop, you do not need to sign in at the skischool. If you need to pay the lesson, stop by the office before your lesson. Skischool office is located in the same building as rental shop, just behind the ticket sales. If you need to rent equipment, please arrive at the rental shop about half an hour before lesson time. At the lesson start time, you will meet your teacher outside the rental shop building, on the slope side, by the skischool sign.

All reservations at least 24 hours in advance via the ski school electronic reservation system . If you wish to pay with excercise benefits, make the reservation via ski school office. Enquiries via email hiihdonopetus (at) or via phone 040-1281419 (within course times)

Soveltava laskettelu

Yksityistuntina voimme tarjota myös soveltavan laskettelun opetusta, sekä pysty- että kelkkalasketteluna. Meillä ei kuitenkaan ole välineitä vuokrattavana, joten asiakas tuo mukanaan tarvittavat välineet. Välineitä vuokraa esimerkiksi Malike. Soveltavan laskettelun yksityistunti varataan aina hiihtokoulun kautta: tiedustelut sähköpostitse hiihdonopetus (at) tai puhelimitse 040-1281419 (kurssiaikojen puitteissa)